Nitya-seva newsletters

In our quarterly newsletters you can learn about the current news of New Vraja-dhama: what kind of special things happen in the daily worship of Radha-Syama, how the festivals are celebrated in Krishna Valley, how the devotees living far from here connect to Radha-Syama and Their abode... And we give regular reports about the developments of the Nitya-seva project: how many new members joined the group of the Nitya-seva donors, which days are available to choose as the day of your worship...

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1st issue - Nitya-seva newsletter

Oct 17, 2016

November, 2015 - 1st issue  Twenty years ago today Radha-Syama were sitting on a 20cm slab of black marble in what is now the pujari office of Their temple. They were to be installed the following Janmastami, and I was worried.  In my years in ISKCON I had seen...


Nitya-seva / Seva-puja reciprocation

Oct 17, 2016

Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances and blessings. All glories to Srola Prabhupada. Devotees ask what reciprocation Nitya-seva (or Seva-puja) donors can expect with the new Nitya-seva Project. We have tried to standardise Radha-Syamasundara’s expression of thanks to donors in...


Why has the Nitya-seva donation increased?

Oct 17, 2016

Dear Devotees,   Please accept my blessings, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.   You are already a Nitya-seva sponsor and so I am writing you to explain why the Nitya-seva sponsorship has gone from 1,100,00HUF to 4,725,000HUF since 2002 when we first started the program.   As...

