Krishna Valley is the largest and most well organized ecological community in Hungary, and of Central-Europe. It has been established since 1993. In our farm communities like Krishna Valley we offer an alternative toward a more sustainable, carefree, happy and peaceful future.
We would like to introduce You to our many activities and goals below.
Krishna Valley's 110 acres, which used to be pasture land for sheep in the past, is home to a great variety of species. There are more than 950 different species of trees and bushes in its botanical garden, which enables us (besides education) to preserve the values of nature and to find and research new varieties of edible plants. Self-sufficiency has been our basic principle since the beginning with the help of community work, social development and traditional technologies.
Our community also has an ecological garden, which provides the local temple and the households with fruit and vegetables. Besides producing, another important consideration is storage and preserving. We built a 150 square metre cellar in 2008, which supports self-sufficiency during winter months. We apply traditional storage and preserving methods and de-hydrating without additives.
Krishna Valley is not part of the national grid. The required electricity is produced by solar-panels and windmills. The water is supplied by the wells (next to the local's houses) and a common well which is 330 meters deep. The processing of waste water is done with a reed-bed sewage system without any chemicals and energy needed. The households' washing technologies are based on environment friendly, "green" washing materials, for example vinegar and washing-soda.
The Cowprotection Centre is the home of Krishna Valley's herd, in which we have traditional Hungarian breeds, breeds from Tirol and an Indian Zebu. It is under constant development. At this moment it consists of a 550 square metre sized pen, two barns, and two storage buildings for the hay and the equipment. The traditional agricultural machinery can be seen in action by visitors first hand.
Besides all this Krishna Valley is the place of peace and spiritual development. Its residents have given their lives to fulfil the desire of His Grace Srila Prabhupada, the founder acharya of the International Society of Krisna-consciousness. They dedicate their thoughts and deeds to their beloved Deities, Sri-Sri Radha-Syamasundara, Who stand on the central altar of the temple.
The children are educated by the local teachers, and our school has been accredited since 2009. Besides the National Curriculum, they study Vedic sciences, organic gardening, self-sufficiency, ecological life-style, drama, music, arts, handicraft and many other things. The students also collect herbs and make jams. We teach them to appreciate the treasures of nature, the animals and other people, since all belong to God, Krisna.
We have 25-30 thousand tourists visit Krishna Valley yearly, and if they wish guides can show them around the temple. A vegetarian restaurant and an indian gift shop also facilitates the guests. The biggest annual festival is the Búcsú, which attracts an average 7000 tourists each year. Most spend all 3 days of the event in Krishna Valley or in the area. A wide range of activities await them, for example the garden, the barn, the ecological-village, the temple, ect. and on the stage they can observe a 10 hour program daily.
You can visit Krishna Valley all year around! Please visit us with the family and experience the miracle of the awakening of the soul. You are always very welcome :-)